This coop is the perfect combination for south Texas. The 4x4 Texas Breeze has awnings on the sides that open for extra air flow on the hot sunny days. The awnings can be closed on colder days or in bad weather. With the awnings closed the chickens still get plenty of air circulation from the built in ventilation near the roof. On opposite sides this coop has a nestbox that hold 3 bins each for a total of 6 nesting bins.These nest boxes are accessed from outside the coop for easy egg collection and cleaning. On the front is a small chicken door that opens to the ramp. There is a large door on the end for easy cleaning. There are two roosting bars placed above the nest boxes. The 8x8 covered run is just over 6 feet tall with a walk-in door. The walk in door has a small chicken door that is a free range door for the chickens. The roof panels are the same polycarbonate panels that are on the coop. The run is covered in 1/2 inch hardware cloth secured by 1" pneumatic staples.